Why is an absence policy important and what does it need to include?

workplace absence

A Sunday Times article has uncovered retail giant Amazon has strict absence policies in place. Four-six sick days and their employees face a disciplinary. This may sound harsh to some but it works for them and helps control absence issues.

Do you have an absence policy in place? Are all of your employees aware of the policy procedures? Do you know what your average sickness rate is?

The national average rose in 2015 to 6.9 days per year which is £595 per employee per year! This can become a big issue especially for small businesses, however there are simple ways you can manage this:

  • Enforce a clear absence policy e.g. texting to say you are ill is not acceptable, you must call and speak to your line manager
  • Ensure all employees are aware of the policy and sign the document as acknowledgement
  • Always have a return to work interview even if it’s only been one day absence
  • Record absence to identify patterns

Do you need support managing absence?

For information on how Citation can support your business with 24/7 advice and minimise absence issues call 0345 844 1111.

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