Knowledgebase Risk Management Update – Summer 2012

It is fair to say that we have already seen the importance of proper planning as towns have been thrown into temporary chaos whilst the Olympic torch was proudly carried through our streets. But it’s not difficult to prevent these things having a negative impact on trading. It is simply about preparation. Keep an eye on when local events might affect your staff or your customers and plan how best you can mitigate any disruption. This could be by offering flexible working to your employees, or by using technology to deliver services to customers. If you haven’t already done so, please take a look our previous blog post including Olympic Q&A’s for the employer that we produced to uncover quick hints and tips.

Back at the business coal face, there remains enough to concern managers, and to focus attention. Whilst we still await the official news, we expect the Office for National Statistics quarterly report to say that the UK economy shrank by at least 0.2pc between April and June – with confidence and business levels affected by the Jubilee holiday, weak domestic demand and the Eurozone crisis. On the other hand, news that unemployment is down a little, is encouraging. So perhaps the seeds of recovery are beginning to show through. Let’s hope that we can focus efforts on nurturing that into a more significant move forward for business as a whole during the remainder of 2012.

As ever our Knowledgebase publication is packed with updates and cases ranging across a number of issues that face our clients as they, too, work to develop and grow their businesses. So, when you have a relatively quiet moment to yourself, we encourage you to take a look at our newsletter and benefit from up-to-date comments on matters of Employment Law and Health & Safety. And why not browse through our past editions too!

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