Are you managing metalworking fluids correctly?

The Health and Safety Executive (HSE) has recently been inspecting businesses to investigate their management of cutting fluids. These fluids can cause serious health conditions, including occupational dermatitis and lung disease. It’s important that, as an employer, you have recorded quality checks in place to make sure that you are keeping your fluids in good condition, and worker exposure to a minimum.

To help businesses do this the right way, the HSE has produced 10 short stand-alone videos in partnership with UKCLA Metalworking Fluids Product Stewardship group and the University of Sheffield demonstrating how to manage fluids appropriately.

They’re pitched toward all levels of an organisation, from owners to machine operators and trainees, and include:

  • Demonstrations of the quick and simple tests that need to be completed.
  • Advice on how to safely store and mix metalworking fluids.
  • Information on how to best protect the health of workers and assets.

What we recommend you do:

Review your current metalworking fluid controls, including any training you may have in place, and verify that controls such as extraction are working.

We also have some handy resources in Atlas to help you with the management of metalworking fluids, including:

And, as always, if you have any questions or need any more support, just give your 24/7 Health & Safety advice line a call on 0345 844 4848 and one of our team will be happy to help.

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