The landscape of work is evolving, and from the past 6 April your employees have seven new workplace rights, thanks to a host of Employment Law legislation coming into force throughout 2024.

One of the biggest changes is legislation that makes requesting flexible working arrangements a day one right for employees. That means and employee doesn’t need any length of service under their belt before they can submit a flexible working request.

That puts even more pressure on business owners to understand exactly what flexible working is, how and when you need to respond to requests and how you need to implement these changes in your business effectively. This on-demand webinar is designed to arm business owners with the knowledge and tools to smoothly transition into these new regulations.

In this FREE on-demand webinar we’ll be covering:

  • What a statutory flexible working request is and who can make one
  • What these changes mean for your business and how you can prepare
  • How to handle requests, make your decision and update contracts of employment
  • An overview of all the other Employment Law changes coming into force across 2024


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About the speaker

Flora Neville

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