Bullying and harassment have become big topics in workplace news, as stories continue to emerge of bosses failing to protect their people. Workplace bullying and harassment can lead to disengaged employees, high staff turnover, poor productivity, and even tribunal claims.

But, as an employer, you may not know what you can do to prevent bullying and harassment, and how to manage incidents when they do happen. And you also may not be aware of the upcoming employment law changes relating to bullying and harassment.

This on-demand webinar, hosted by our HR & Employment Law experts, will answer all those questions and more – including:

  • What is harassment?
  • What are your obligations as an employer?
  • What about third-party behaviour?
  • Are you going to be liable for a rogue employee’s unacceptable behaviour?
  • Where does the workplace end?
  • What ‘reasonable steps’ should you have in place?
  • Creating the right culture.
  • Why now is the right time to act


Just fill in the form on this page to get access to the recording and get a handle on bullying and harassment in the workplace.

About the speaker

Flora Neville

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