How to report an accident: a checklist

Accident in a warehouse with a member of staff laying on the floor with other employees crowding around the incident to help

Hazards and risks are present in any workplace. The truth is, accidents happen and are sometimes unavoidable. But, as an employer, you do have certain legal obligations when it comes to recording and reporting near misses, accidents and incidents in your workplace.

Did you know there were 51,211 employee non-fatal injuries reported by employers under RIDDOR in 2020/21? This number may be high, but this information is essential to prevent similar accidents happening again. That’s why employers MUST report accidents properly when they happen.

Our Health & Safety experts have put together a handy checklist of everything you need to know about accident reporting, including:

  • How to report an accident for your employees
  • How to log accidents and incidents in your accident book
  • Your RIDDOR reporting obligations
  • How and when you need to report to the HSE

Plus, much more!

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