An employer’s guide to managing travel-related quarantine

Please Note: All information is correct at time of writing on 15 July 2021. We do our very best to make sure our information is as up to date as possible, but we’d encourage you to check out our latest articles and to check the government website for updates as they happen.

Following the suspension of all travel corridors with the UK back in January this year, Transport Secretary Grant Shapps addressed the nation in a Whitehall press conference briefing on 7 May to announce the first ‘tentative’ steps towards unlocking international travel for England. A traffic light system will be in place, which classifies countries based on COVID-19 risk – a red list, an amber list and a green list.

There was an initial review of these lists on 3 June and a second review on 24 June. On 8 July, Transport Secretary Grant Shapps announced that from 19 July, those who had received both doses of the COVID vaccine returning to England from amber-list countries will no longer need to self-isolate for 10 days. A third review, announced on 14 July, places Spain’s Balearic Islands back on the amber list after just two weeks on the green list.

As an employer, you may face the prospects of your employees embarking on international travel as COVID rules end and travel restrictions begin to relax – but are you confident you know how to manage any travel-related self-isolation your employees may have to undertake? Our experts have put together the key considerations every employer needs to make when it comes to travel-related quarantine in their business, including:

  • How to manage travel-related quarantine in your business
  • Is travel-related quarantine is paid or not
  • What to do if you have employees who have to travel as part of their job

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