ECCA Members to Benefit from New Compliance Package

Citation already has strong partnership ties with the ECCA – but the new agreement allows companies which are ECCA members to ask for expert guidance and a free assessment of what their business needs to fully comply with employment law and health and safety regulations.

The agreement has the backing of the ECCA chief executive Martin Green, one of the most influential voices in the country’s independent care sector. He said; “As far as ECCA is concerned the relationship with Citation is a growing attraction. It gives us a much better offering to our members and that encourages more people to join it, and it gives Citation access to a good market of care providers who need their services.

Citation relationship director Damian Wasey put the scheme together. He said; “We are pleased to have reached such a progressive agreement. It means ECCA members can have access to some of our services free of charge to help them understand what compliance issues they have to consider.”

The new agreement will roll-out the following compliance solutions:

  1. Education & Awareness of Compliance Issues to ECCA members
  2. Free Gap Analysis
  3. Ask the Expert
  4. Discount off Citation services, with ECCA branding on Citation online services

In an interview at his London office Martin outlined his endorsement of Citation services, commenting: “What I am really delighted with is that when we started to work with Citation they already had a very good suite of offerings. Since we have a large membership that is very diverse both in scale and in structure, we needed a partner that is good at is helping providers that are growing.

Often when business start they organically grow and suddenly they have to start thinking strategically about HR functions – and gaps begin to form. That’s what Citation is really helpful in giving them – good products that help them become and remain compliant, regardless of their size.”

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