Even the Force has to be risk assessed

Record-breaking film, Star Wars: The Force Awakens hit the headlines again this week, however this time it was in relation to Health & Safety breaches during filming last June.

The high profile incident involved Hollywood actor, Harrison Ford, who suffered serious injuries, including a broken leg when he was “struck by a heavy hydraulic metal door”.

Following an investigation, the HSE decided that there was “sufficient evidence” to prosecute Foodles Production (UK) Ltd. Representatives of the company are due to appear in court to face four charges.

A spokesman for HSE said:

“HSE has today informed Foodles Production (UK) Ltd that it will be prosecuted over four alleged breaches of Health & Safety law. The charges relate to an incident during filming of Star Wars Episode VII: The Force Awakens…”

“By law, employers must take reasonable steps to protect workers – this is as true on a film set as a factory floor. We have investigated thoroughly and believe that we have sufficient evidence to bring the case to court.”

Citation consultant Gary Sullivan says “Health & Safety is an important element of all businesses and it is no different when flying through the galaxies on the Millennium Falcon or working in your workshop.”

“All businesses must take their responsibilities seriously and ensure that suitable and sufficient risk assessments are compiled in accordance with Regulation 3.1 of the Management of Health and Safety at Work.”

“This will help identify all the potential risks associated with your work tasks and projects and help determine any control measures that are required to be implemented. It’s also applicable under the Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations (PUWER) which requires all work equipment to be in an efficient working order and in good repair. This will ensure that work equipment is safe for use at all times and ensure you stay compliant and ‘avoid any imperial entanglements’”.

To find out more about how we can help you with Health & Safety, contact us today.

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