HSE safety alert: platform lift guidance

The HSE has issued a new safety alert about the use and maintenance of platform lifts. It concerns the risks from tampering with important safety devices and poor maintenance of those safety devices.

Our Health & Safety Team Leader Ashley Hammond sat down to give us an overview about exactly what this safety alert covers, who it’s aimed at and some best practice techniques to ensuring that if you work with platform lifts, you’re doing so safely.

So whether you’re a care service provider who works with wheelchair accessible lifts, or you’re a lift maintenance business, carve out three minutes of your day to keep yourself updated and make sure you’re compliant.

Still have some questions?

Wondering if this HSE guidance applies to you? Want to reassure yourself that all your Health & Safety is up to scratch?

Just give our team a call on 0345 844 1111 where one of our team will be on hand to chat through your business needs and get the ball rolling.

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