Apprentice Week 3 – Performance Management

Notice during probation periods

As the dust settles on last night’s episode of The Apprentice we ask the question; Do all performance management discussions have to be difficult?

Well if last night’s episode of The Apprentice is anything to go by, then not always. As Lord Sugar was discussing the failure of Team Summit with Lindsey he brought up clear examples of her underperformance in relation to other team members.

Poor selling technique, confidence and a lack of experience were highlighted in a calm and reasonable way, a stark contrast from many boardroom conversations- which allowed Lindsey to see her own shortcomings. The result was ‘falling on her own sword’ and admitting she did not have the qualities to proceed in the competition.

These types of discussions can be very useful for an employer as it allows the employee to understand that they may not be quite right for the role, and bow out gracefully. In this instance, it allowed both parties to go their separate ways amicably. Well handled, Lord Sugar.

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