Why is staff training important?

In any business, it’s important to ensure that your employees are equipped with all of the necessary knowledge and skills they need to carry out their daily duties effectively. Staff training is a method of doing this in a structured way, and it allows employers to invest in members of staff that are full of potential and capable of developing and becoming key figures in the business.

By offering members of staff the opportunity to learn and grow within your company, you’re not only increasing the chance of retaining these employees, but you’re also creating a more skilled workforce that will benefit your business in the future.

What is staff training?

Staff training is a programme implemented by a manager or person of authority to provide specific staff members with the necessary skills and knowledge for their current role.

It’s often compulsory for some level of training to be offered to new members of staff as you prepare them for their role. However, it’s just as worthwhile to provide training to existing members of staff, as it’s likely to help with the individual employee’s development and benefit the business in the process.

An employer carrying out staff training with an employee

What does staff training involve?

Each role requires a different approach when it comes to staff training. Due to this, it’s not possible to define exactly what a staff training programme consists of, as it’s likely to be conducted in a way that suits the business and the role.

Whether it’s an informal introduction to bespoke company processes or a step-by-step course for learning a relevant computer programme, staff training can take a number of forms to suit the business, role and employee. For example, instructor-led training, role playing, group discussions, e-learning, conferences and lectures are all forms of staff training.

As such, staff training isn’t confined to a single technique, with the emphasis being on the best possible method of getting a new employee up to speed or providing further development to an existing employee who is ready to make the next step in their career.

Why do we train staff?

Although staff training is often mandatory for new members of staff, it’s just as important that long-term employees are given the same level of attention in terms of their own development. As such, proposing a training programme in your company is likely to be applicable to all members of staff, both new and old.

Employees need to feel like they’re seeing the opportunity to grow where they work. They will be less inclined to leave the company if they see appreciation and room to develop from their employer. The primary purpose of staff training is to benefit the development and capabilities of the individual member of staff, but as it also helps with efficiency for company and general staff retention, it benefits all parties.

What are the benefits of training employees?

Both the employee and employer is likely to reap a number of benefits from putting a staff training programme in place. This includes:

  • improved productivity
  • increased efficiency
  • more accountability
  • less support required
  • an established standard for trained members of staff
  • a more transparent company structure
  • opportunities for employee development by tracking personal growth

Why is staff training and development important?

Hiring and firing employees may be the correct solution in certain scenarios, but in terms of long-lasting performance, staff training and development allows your workforce to thrive, and as an end result, your company is only likely to flourish.

Instead of simply relinquishing a member of staff that can’t carry out specific tasks, staff training encourages employers to assess their employees and offer them the support they need to learn and develop skills required for their role in the company.

By taking this approach, companies can opt to retain proactive members of staff that possess a positive attitude and allow them to grow with the business and cutting costs that would come with unnecessarily replacing members employees.

Find out more about how our HR Consultants and Employment Law Consultants can support your business, get in touch today. You can also browse our full range of Health & Safety services, Employment Law services and HR services. 

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