Workplace Wellbeing – The benefits to your business

Creating an environment at work that promotes healthy living and wellbeing can have major benefits; for both business and your employees.

In 2022/2023, 35.2 million days were lost due to work-related ill health or injury. The cost of ‘presenteeism’ (where an employee attends work when unwell) is thought to affect UK businesses twice as much as absenteeism. So, what are the benefits of wellbeing in the workplace and how can you foster a positive environment?


The benefits of wellbeing in the workplace

Increased productivity and performance

A report by Oxford University’s Saïd Business School found that workers are 13% more productive when happy. When workers feel supported and valued, they’re more engaged in their tasks, leading to higher quality work and better results.

Reduced absenteeism and presenteeism

When employees feel stressed or burnt out, they’re more likely to take sick leave or come to work while unwell (presenteeism). When you promote positive health and wellbeing in the workplace, you can help reduce absenteeism and presenteeism and foster a supportive work environment.

Improved employee morale and engagement

Feeling valued and supported by their employer goes a long way in boosting employee morale. Wellbeing programs that address work-life balance, mental health, and physical health send a strong message that the company cares about its people.

Enhanced creativity

Well-rested and healthy employees are more creative and innovative. Stress can really mess with your head, resulting in it having an impact on work. A focus on wellbeing can help reduce stress and improve cognitive function.

Great for attracting and retaining staff

In today’s competitive job market, companies with strong wellbeing programs are more attractive to top talent. When potential employees see a commitment to employee wellbeing, they’re more likely to be drawn to the company and stay for the long haul.


How to promote workplace wellbeing

Make time for employees

Remember to make time to talk and listen to your staff – a problem/challenge shared really can be a problem halved where stress is concerned. By making time for them, you’re showing them that you care, and that can have an impact on their interpretation of your workplace.

Prioritise work-life balance

A great way is to offer flexible work options if you don’t already. This shows the trust you have in your team and that you respect their personal lives. Some of your employees may be stressed due to external factors like childcare, so offering flexible working could really help them.

Promote physical and mental wellbeing

Offer fitness options or healthy food choices to nudge employees towards a healthier lifestyle.

Create a positive and inclusive work environment

Recognise achievements to boost morale. Team-building activities create connections and a positive atmosphere. Clear communication demonstrates trust and value. DE&I initiatives ensure everyone feels respected.

Invest in workplace wellness

Things like ergonomic workstations, natural light, and ventilation can all impact employee wellbeing in the workplace. Whether you simply open the blinds or buy a SAD light for your staff room, it can make a major difference on workplace wellbeing.

For even more workplace wellbeing ideas, check out our blog on how to boost happiness in the workplace.


Workplace wellbeing at Citation

Whatever approach or methods you choose to promote workplace wellbeing, you’re likely to be rewarded with a more motivated, engaged and committed workforce.

Our HR Director, Linda Jodrell discusses how Citation takes account of workplace wellbeing,

“Studies show that happier people are less stressed and perform to a higher standard. Engagement is a big focus for us and wellbeing is one part of that. A smile is contagious so we encourage people to spread their smiles around the company. Some of the wellbeing measures we implement here are the cycle-to-work scheme, the ability to purchase extra holidays, and a running club led by one of our colleagues which goes out after work three times a week.

Importantly one of our key values is that we listen. This means that we give each other time and you can’t put a price on the value of that from a wellbeing perspective.”


Promote workplace wellbeing with Citation’s support

At Citation, we understand the importance of HR advice and support in achieving these goals. That’s why we’re on hand to support you every step of the way, through our HR and Employment Law services. We have expert HR Consultants and Employment Law Consultants ready to help boost workplace wellbeing

Contact us today and discover the many ways that we can support you and your business today!

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